Thursday, December 31, 2020


In E.B. White's classic "Charlotte's Web," there is a wonderful passage that means a lot to me: 

“Why did you do all this for me?' he asked. 'I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.' 

'You have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing.”

To all my friends, and to all you dear readers of this blog, thanks!  Let's look forward to a very kind 2021!

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Kindest time of the year

My observation is that this last month every year from the end of November to the end of December, is the kindest time of all, even during a pandemic. People collect warm coats, toys, canned goods, and other things for those in need. Cards and gifts are sent, sometimes even to strangers. There is even singing in the streets! It's wonderful to be sure, but I wish this kindness would last all year long!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Decorations and lights

I love the decorations lights that we find this time of year. It's fun seeing houses and businesses all decorated for the holidays, even if there might be a bit less this year. How does your neighborhood look? Did you add anything to the colorful decorating?  I think this type of sharing is so very kind.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Being thankful

There was a time when folks always gave thanks when someone gave them something. It didn't matter if you gave them an expensive gift or if you simply paid them a compliment. It was appreciated, and the recipient said so. I try to be a nice guy. Giving is part of my nature. I don't give because I want thanks, but those thank yous always warmed my heart. They still do, although folks don't say thank you nearly as much anymore.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

They say charity begins at home

So many donation requests this time of year - dozens and dozens of charities asking for money. It might be a pain to sort through all those letters and emails, but there are indeed many organizations worth giving too and this annual push gets them a lot of money. Of course as they say, charity begins at home, so our first responsibility is for the needs of our own family and friends and co-workers. Not all of us can give with money (sometimes it just isn't there), but we can all show extra kindness and we all can show love and concern.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas is a state of mind

The 30th US President, Calvin Coolidge said "Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas."

Friday, December 25, 2020

childhood memories

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime."  -Laura Ingalls Wilder

Thursday, December 24, 2020

naughty or nice

Santa knows who has been naughty or nice, but who else knows?  Well I can tell you that your friends and relatives know if you are nice.  They know if you are kind.  Actually kindness is such a wonderful thing that truly kind people get a reputation for being kind.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

You can quote me

From time to time I quote people first thing in the morning and this comes from writer and civil rights activist Audre Lorde. "It is not our differences that divide us.  It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences."

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Strength From Adversity

"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you." -Walt Disney

Monday, December 21, 2020

Everybody loves the holidays

Most of us think that everybody loves the holidays, but if you are homeless, or can't afford food, or recently lost a loved one, or a number of other things, the holidays just make bring more sadness than happiness.  Join me in thinking of others and help make the days brighter, now and in the new year ahead.  Spread that kindness!

Sunday, December 20, 2020


It's now been several years since Mom passed away, but I still think of her a lot, and today would have been her birthday.  It's hard to write a daily blog about being kind, without thinking of Mom too.  She taught me all about kindness because she lived kindness.  She also taught me the importance of sticking with things, and after doing this for over four years, I guess I learned that one too!

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Ellen's kindness

This week Ellen DeGeneres explained why she says "Be kind" at the end of her show (and it isn't a nod to this blog). “Here’s how that happened, I started saying ‘be kind to one another’ after a young man named Tyler Clementi took his own life after being bullied for being gay. I thought the world needed more kindness, and it was a reminder that we all needed that. And I think we need it more than ever right now.”  I agree Ellen!

Friday, December 18, 2020

The nurse I don't know

Quite a while back I became connected to a guy on social media who is extremely positive.  I can't remember what it was that connected us, but I'm glad it happened.  He was encouraging from the beginning, and after my recent cardiac incident, he continues to inspire and encourage.  Not long ago he became a nurse and so he cares for people's health every single day.  It's his job.  Some people go beyond their job though.  This guy, who doesn't live in my town and whom I have never met face to face, is one of those more than the job kind of people.  He is kind.  Yesterday he messaged me "Stay on top of your self care, we only get one body!"  I so appreciate that.  I don't usually talk about specific individuals here, but today I had to.  I'm glad he is in my life and I thank him!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Quoting Robert Kennedy

"Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not."  -Robert Francis Kennedy

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Three important things

I know I have said this before, but since I agree so much, I just have to say it once again!  Novelist Henry James said (to his nephew Billy James) "Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind."  Indeed.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Making people smile

The other day someone I know tweeted "All I want for Christmas this year is to make people smile."  What an incredible wish!  This caring, kind, unselfish guy always makes me smile.  My wish would be that we could all smile every single day of our lives.

Monday, December 14, 2020

It's the little things

We can change our world one small act at a time. That's why kindness is so important.  It's the little things that add so much when life's journey is difficult.  We can begin with something as little as a smile.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Kindness Guru

The other day, someone called me the Kindness Guru.  I wasn't sure how to take that, and so I asked.  It seems my friend thought I was an expert on kindness.  Oh my!  An expert?  How lovely if we all could be an expert!  I tried to clear things up and would to do so here as well.  I look for our world to be kinder each day.  That requires us all to do our part, and that certainly includes me.  This blog is meant to encourage the readers, and also to encourage me.  I hope that by sharing ideas, we will all be a little more kind.  Your thoughts are always welcome!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

The kindest one of all

How many facebook friends do you have?  How about your followers on Instagram or twitter?  Over the years we meet a lot of people.  Do we stay in touch with all of them?  Probably not.  For me it's the nice ones - the kind ones, that I always want to stay connected to.  Think about all the folks in your life.  Now, who is the kindest one of all?

Friday, December 11, 2020

The tradition of kindness

We probably have more traditions at this time of year than any other. So many different holidays and observances and they all seem to have various ways of celebrating. Sometimes tradition can weight us down and we become afraid to try new things. I love the numerous ways that folks so kindness during this season though and would love for that to be the biggest tradition of all!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Hot Chocolate

There was a wonderful British soul band that was popular during the 1970s and 1980s, called Hot Chocolate, but you know I am actually going to say something about the beverage. What I have to say is really pretty simple. I happen to like hot chocolate (cocoa) just about any time, but especially when the weather is cold.  One of the kindest things anyone can do is to offer me a piping hot cup!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A difference

Which feels better, being kind to someone, or having someone be kind to you?  Is there a difference in the feeling?  Both are nice, huh?  When you see that someone appreciates your efforts, there just isn't a better feeling!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

sharing goodies with the homeless

Has EVERYBODY been bringing candy and cookies and fudge and cake to work these days? Was the big potluck so big that there are leftovers galore? Pack up some boxes and bags and share these goodies with homeless folk you encounter. Shouldn't they have a happy holiday season as well?

Monday, December 7, 2020

Feeling good with Ellen

We all know this has not been the best year. If I'm feeling blue though, I watch clips of The Ellen Show - I adore Ellen DeGeneres and there are so many feel-good moments on her show, not to mention her reminders to "Be kind to one another." Isn't that what I say here?

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Henry James on kindness

Novelist Henry James said (to his nephew Billy James) "Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind."  I certainly agree! 

Saturday, December 5, 2020

every person

every person has a voice.
every person  has a story.
every person  has a dream.
every person  has an ability. 
never be afraid to share yours.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Oh, The Places You'll Go

Theodor Seuss Geisel (whom we better know as Dr Seuss), must have been a very kind man. His numerous children's stories are fun, but they are also inspiring. This morning I am thinking particularly of these words from Oh, The Places You'll Go! "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go."

Thursday, December 3, 2020

You matter

You might not have heard it lately.  You might not have ever heard it (although I hope that isn't so), but you matter.  To some folks it is obvious.  Too often though we fail to say it or to show it.  Regardless of that, you matter.  You will always matter.  Never think otherwise.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

For the love of music

For nine months now, our world has been very different from the way we all knew it.  One thing that has really helped me throughout this time is music.  I love music - all kinds.  I listen pretty much all day.  In a few hours I will listen to a live cello performance that a very kind artist is sharing with the world.  Right now, a Texas radio station is playing classic hits as I type this.  Music really has super powers.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Happiness and love

What brings me happiness? The happiness of others. Twenty-two years ago there was a first meeting by two wonderful people I know. They have since married and show so much kindness and love every single day. Oddly, I don't really know them all that well and now only see them on social media, but there love always encourages me. May they have a happy anniversary, and may that love always keep on growing!

Monday, November 30, 2020

All done

We are all done with another month.  Oh my!  It seems like I am checking them off like something I'm happy is done.  That really isn't the case though.  I cherish every single day and although we have now come to the end of this month, we can look forward to the next, and the ones after that, and all the adventures yet to come our way!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

November examples of random acts of kindness

Here are a few ideas of random acts of kindness.  Mow a neighbor’s grass or sweep a neighbor’s walk. Say nice things randomly to facebook and twitter friends.  Call a homebound person.  Clean graffiti from neighborhood walls and buildings.  Give your full attention to someone in need and simply listen.  Sponsor people in fundraising walk-a-thons.  Remember the bereaved with phone calls, cards, plants, and food.  The list of course can go on and on!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Wrapping up the 20

The HBO Max 20 Days of Kindness campaign is such an wonderful idea, and I have been pleased to talk about it here. Day 17's charity was Teach For America. Yesterday was Day 18 and the spotlight went on International Rescue Committee. Today it's The Joyful Heart for Day 19 and tomorrow it all wraps up with Day 20's focus on Planned Parenthood. Each of the 20 organizations received $20,000.  Visit to learn more and look closer at each of these organizations!

Friday, November 27, 2020

Hope and Joy

We remember two great men today, both of whom happen to have been gay. It was 42 years ago that Harvey Milk was murdered on this date. One year ago on this date Louie Clay passed away. Harvey is remembered for saying, "Gotta give em hope." Louie is remembered for saying, "Joy, anyway!" Hope and joy. We all need both in our lives. They are the cousins of love and kindness.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

It's about the thanks

It's not about the feast, or the shopping, or the football, or the parades, or even the gatherings of friends and family.  Many of those things won't be happening this year anyway.  Just look to the name of this holiday.  It's about the thanks.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


We all know what tomorrow is.  Thanksgiving Day happens to be my favorite holiday.  This year we all should be kind to ourselves and to each other.  As much as we might enjoy huge feasts with lots of people, let's instead invent new and safe ways of celebrating.  Technology can let us hookup and we won't be putting anyone at risk!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The rest of the 20

Since I began telling you about HBO Max 20 Days of Kindness campaign, I suppose I should catch you up.  Day 11 - Common Sense. Day 12 - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Day 13 - Together We Rise. Day 14 - The National Coalition for the Homeless. Day 15 - Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health.  Tomorrow is Day 16 and they look at Habitat For Humanity.  If there are organizations you are unfamiliar with, check out their websites.  Donations are welcome too!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Think ahead

What really kind thing will you be doing for someone tomorrow or next week? Think ahead.  Plan some very special things. Be bold. Think ahead to a year from now. What will you be doing next fall? Will you be a kinder person?  Go for it!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

The things I see

It really warms my heart when I witness the kindness of others.  Despite all the negative news we hear, I am seeing more and more nice gestures, often by strangers.  The other day I got up to pay for my breakfast at the restaurant where I occasionally treat myself in the morning, and the hostess told me a couple that had just left had paid for me.  I have no idea who they were, but this is what kindness is all about.  I am truly grateful!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Make the call

Call a friend out of the blue or call an aunt, or call your grandparents, or perhaps a distant cousin. Come to think of it, call anyone you don't normally call. You'd be surprised how good it can make someone feel to know that someone is thinking about them. This is especially true for the many who haven't been able to be out and about due to the pandemic.  It doesn't have to be a long call (in fact it is good if you are very conscious of whether you are really connecting or if you are interrupting). I know I love getting calls from folks I seldom hear from. I'm sure you have people like that in your life too. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Good is something you do

Italian cyclist Gino Bartali said "Good is something you do, not something you talk about. Some medals are pinned to your soul, not to your jacket."  Wonderful words.  Think about it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A little more

I'm going to say a little more about the HBO Max and their 20 Days of Kindness campaign, because I think it is such a wonderful (and certainly kind) thing they are doing.  Yesterday on day eight, they honored Trevor Project which provides crisis services to LGBTQ youth.  Today they spotlight HRC.  Tomorrow, as they reach the halfway point, they focus on Feeding America, the largest domestic hunger relief organization.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Think of the other folks

I keep hearing people say "I would survive COVID-19.  I'm taking my chances." The way I see it, yeah.  I'd probably survive it.  I just might carry it to someone who wouldn't though.  That dear readers is the problem.  Be kind.  Think of the other folks!  This is especially important this week.  Stay home.  Stay safe.  Help keep your friends and family safe too.

Monday, November 16, 2020


The Make-A-Wish Foundation of America is incredible.  They try to grant the wish of every child diagnosed with a critical illness.  Today as part of the HBO Max 20 Days of Kindness campaign, Make-A-Wish is in the spotlight.  Go to to find out more about this amazing program and be prepared to have your heart warmed.  Donate to them too is you are able, or to any being honored in the 20 Days of Kindness.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Those 20 Days continue

Those of you who read this regularly know that I never do any sort of commercial plug here, but I've mentioned HBO Max and their 20 Days of Kindness campaign here a few times already.  I have no relation at all to HBO Max, but what they are doing is awesome!  They donate $20,000 to a different good cause daily for 20 days and encourage others to lend their support. On day one, AT&T kicks joined with them making a $1 million contribution to Girls Who Code. Wow!  Today is Day 6 and World Central Kitchen is being honored.  Tomorrow they will spotlight one of my all-time favorite organization!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

World Kindness Part Two

You are right that I'm making up this Part Two, but why not?  Yesterday was indeed World Kindness Day, and don't you think we should continue it every single day?  That's what this blog is all about, and that's what life is all about!  I will say that the HBO Max Twenty Days of kindness is continuing and today is day five with the focus on Conservation International.  I don't usually get commercial here and I have no connection at all to HBO Max, but I think this is a great thing they are doing here!

Friday, November 13, 2020

World Kindness Day

365 days a year I write something here about kindness.  I try really hard to actually practice my advice too.  (I did miss a few days when I was in hospital back in September).  Today a lot of people are joining in talking about kindness and hopefully it will cause more people to get involved.  Kindness heals.  Being kind brings joy and happiness.  Today is World Kindness Day - not something I made up, an actual observance.  Keep spreading that kindness!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Twenty Days continues

Tuesday I told you about the 20 Days of Kindness campaign that HBO Max is doing together with their new film Superintelligence. Star Melissa McCarthy has been talking about it on social media. Pretty wonderful. They highlight and donate $20,000 to a different good cause daily for 20 days and also encourage others to lend their support. Yesterday being Veteran’s Day it was so appropriate that Team Rubicon was honored. Best Friends Animal Society is honored today, and tomorrow on World Kindness Day, the spotlight will be on Step Up Womens Network.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Grateful for their service

Many people express thanks every single time they see a military veteran. Today is the day set aside for that purpose. Just saying thanks though is only a part of it. President John F. Kennedy said it best. "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Twenty Days of Kindness

Usually I don't talk about anything commercial here, but this I just can't ignore.  HBO Max today begins a 20 Days of Kindness campaign together with their new film Superintelligence from New Line Cinema.  HBO Max will highlight and donate $20,000 to a different good cause daily for 20 days and at the same time encourage others to lend their support.  Girls Who Code is honored first.  I will say more in the days ahead, but this is fantastic!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Don't be a sore loser

In competition, not everyone comes in first place.  It shows good character and great kindness to accept defeat graciously.  Nobody likes a sore loser.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

We need a little Chaplin

In this difficult month, this difficult year, we need a little Chaplin,  The films of Charlie Chaplin are legendary.  His words are too.  This morning I am thinking particularly of his statement from him:  "The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish." 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

School poem

This is a kindness poem we learned in grade school. 
Does anyone else remember it?
Kind hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the blossoms,
Kind deeds are the fruits.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Say it often

"I wish I had the chance to say goodbye. I would like to have thanked you for your service, your friendship, all that you were to me." I can't tell you how often I hear that when someone passes away.  Why did they wait though?  Tell people what they mean to you now. Say it often, and not just with words.  Why wait until you are standing at someone's deathbed to let them know how you feel? 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Kindness for my sister

Happy birthday to my dear sister.  She certainly knows about kindness.  Today I hope a lot is directed back at her!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


The ability to wait for something without frustration is a useful skill to have. How many of us are really good at this though? It may take days, even weeks for some of the results from yesterday's voting to become known. Take a deep breath. Relax. Right now is when that patience can really some in handy. Look out for your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors too. Waiting can be tough on everyone. Worry and frustration won't make things any better though.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Today is the day! Election Day is finally here, and it isn't just the Presidential race, but also all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives, 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate, and thirteen state and territorial governorships, as well as numerous other state and local elections, will also be contested.  If you didn't vote early, get out there today!  One of the kindest things you can do is participate in the process.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Bring food

I was watching a tv program from Australia the other day, and there was mention of taking a casserole to a neighbor.  How lovely.  It seems like we used to do that in this country.  Taking cookies, soup, or a casserole to a new neighbor, or someone who just lost a family member, or a friend who’s had a serious health diagnosis is such a kind thing to do.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Be on time

Someone I know is ALWAYS late. Seriously. I have never seen him on time for anything. He'll invite me to do something with him and then I wait and wait and wait.  Is he coming?  One of the kindest and most respectful things we can all do is to be on time. We’re all busy and every one of us should stop making people wait for us.  

Saturday, October 31, 2020


For so many of us, this year has been scary enough already.  Instead of a scary theme today, let's make it a theme of kindness.  Remember we are still in the midst of a pandemic.  Be safe.  Perhaps we can start some new traditions or at least begin some alternate ones.  Maybe we can do some zoom Halloweens.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Greet everyone

When you enter a room, greet everybody.  Seriously.  This is a courtesy thing and also an act of kindness.
No one likes to be ignored.  This doesn't mean you have to discuss your entire life with everyone you encounter, but at least acknowledge those around you.

Thursday, October 29, 2020


Amazing. For me it will always be amazing how wonderful it feels to make someone else feel good. I think that's what some folks call a two-fer. One act makes two people feel good (and probably many more, once they hear about it). One simple act of kindness. For me it will always be amazing.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

It just feels good

Writing this blog every single morning has (hopefully) made me more aware of how we act toward each other.  There are so many reasons to be kind to others.  For me, the biggest thing is it just feels good!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

You owe me

Did you ever have someone tell you how many things they had done for you and how you now owe them?  In my way of thinking, they gave you nothing at all. Gifts don't come with strings attached. Of course if is always very nice to do kind things for those who have done kind things for you, but that should not be your reason. Actually no reason is necessary at all. Give out of the love in your heart, and expect nothing in return. That is the real joy.

Monday, October 26, 2020

I believe in pink

The wonderful actress and humanitarian Audrey Hepburn, was quite inspirational in many things she spoke. For example, Miss Hepburn said "I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Honesty when receiving a present

In just two months, folks will be opening Christmas presents. Of course there are many other occasions during the year when you might receive a gift, such as your birthday or anniversary, or "just because." As kind as it is for someone to honor you with a present, is it kind for you to simply utter a few words of thanks, and nothing more? How about if you get something that you really dislike, should you be grateful but also be honest enough to say the gift really wasn't to your liking? If you gush too much, the giver might make a tradition of giving you the same thing, over and over. How about handwritten notes? Are they still a good way to show your appreciation? What's the kindest way to respond to gifts?

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Some October random acts of kindness

Stuck for ideas of ways to be kind?  Well here are a few examples of random acts of kindness.  Tell your parents/children why you love them.  Make telephone calls in support of equality urging others to put aside hate.  As you go about your day, pick up trash.  Pay a compliment at least once a day.  Send a gift anonymously to a friend.  Make a point of finding the name of a supermarket or drugstore employee and then praise him/her through that company’s corporate office.  When drivers try to merge into your lane, let them in with a wave and a smile.  (Do feel free to add to this list)!

Friday, October 23, 2020

All that pumpkin spice

I've been seeing pumpkin spice products all over the place once again. How come it isn't year-round? Would we tire of it if we had too much? I hear people talk about too much of a good thing, but to me that is impossible. Could there be too much kindness? How about too much love? I don't think so! I'm going to go try some new pumpkin spice thing.  

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Make A Dogs Day

Every morning I write about being kind to each other. Sometimes I remind us all that we also need to be kind to ourselves. Wait! What about the animals in our lives and the unconditional love they give us? Well, today is Make A Dogs Day, the perfect time to show some extra kindness to your doggie.  Let us know what you do too.  I'd love to see some details in the comments below!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

COVID kindness

In the midst of a pandemic, things are certainly different.  Kindness is probably more important now than ever.  One very important (and kind) thing is to help protect our neighbors.  Parties and dinners at Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas and all the associated things like trick-or-treating, need to be modified this year.  Hey!  Good health and safety is important.  I'm hearing a lot of talk about zoom Thanksgivings.  This could actually be more fun.  We wouldn't even have to put on our pants!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


While not everyone is kind, that is not a reason for anyone else to be unkind!  Even if someone is mean to you, remember this: You are special.  You have purpose.  You are loved.  Never forget that.  This is true of everyone.  Remind them too.  You are special.  You have purpose.  You are loved.

Monday, October 19, 2020

We're supposed to be different

How can we discriminate against an entire group of people? I don't get it. When I was little I remember the drinking fountains labeled "colored" and "white."  (I actually used the colored one once in a store, thinking the water was colored, and boy did I get yelled at by the racist storekeeper). These days I see more discrimination based on religious affiliation or gender identity, and I still don't get it. We're supposed to be different. That is part of the beauty of life. We are supposed to discriminate though, because despite all of our many differences, we still are all equal!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Let me make this perfectly clear

Every single morning I wrote about kindness.  Does that mean I am an expert?  Does it even mean I am a kind person?  Let me make this perfectly clear.  I am just as flawed as anyone else, but I believe that being kind to one another is the only way to live.  Hopefully I will someday be an expert.  You can be sure I will keep trying!

Saturday, October 17, 2020


If you can dream it, you can achieve it.  Never give up.  Oh and when you accomplish your own dreams, reach out and help some other folks do the same.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Language of kindness

“Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see,” said Mark Twain. Wow! "The deaf can hear and the blind can see - sounds like a pretty incredible language. We should speak it more often.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Why not?

 I write here every morning about being kind.  It's one of these subjects that there really is no argument against.  Think about it.  Why not be kind?  What could possibly be wrong with it?

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

It's Universal Kindness Day

Today is Universal Kindness Day! Actually I said that back on July 22nd in 2017, and I had made it up then. I think every single day should be Universal Kindness Day though, don't you?  Let's make it happen!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Albert Schweitzer said

"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate." -Albert Schweitzer

Monday, October 12, 2020

Kindest ever

I know I have asked this before, but what is the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?  Think about it.  I'll bet it made you feel pretty good, huh?  This is just one of the reasons why we do kind things.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Lance Bass on homophobia

On this National Coming Out Day, I thought I'd share these words from entertainer Lance Bass:  "When I see ignorant people talk about LGBT people it drives me crazy because I know everything they're saying is brainwashed garbage. At the end of the day, I feel sorry for those people. Somebody taught them to think that way, and consequently they're missing out on so much good in life." 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Miss Sally

I remember back when I was in grade school, this wonderful lady whom we called Miss Sally would come and pick us up for church on Sunday mornings. She drove a very old car that she had probably purchased fifty years before, but it still ran nicely, possibly because she only drove it one day a week. Miss Sally always had some kind of pastry or cookies to share after church too. With a warm sparkle in her eye, I'll never forget her kindness, even now looking back to MANY years ago!

Friday, October 9, 2020

Be kind

The message is really quite simple Be kind.  There are so many different ways of doing it, but the result if always the same.  Being kind really does make a difference.  If you don't think you are a kind person, practice.  We can all get better at it!

Thursday, October 8, 2020

friendship that has caught fire

Remember the advice columnist Ann Landers? She always had such wise words! One very inspiring thing from her: "Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses."  I really like that picture she gave us.  "Friendship that has caught fire" - what a wonderful image!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Kindness can change the world

In my opinion, kindness can change the world, and so I not only want to be a kind person myself, but I want to urge others to be kind as well.  Have you ever heard anyone complain about a kind act?  Kindness is always looked upon with positive feelings.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Kindness pandemic

I know that nobody is happy with this pandemic.  What we really need now is a kindness pandemic or a love pandemic!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Do Something Nice Day

Today is Do Something Nice Day. Seriously. I don't make this stuff up. Go ahead, do something nice, anything nice. And, do it to, or for, another individual. Doing something nice for someone almost always evokes a very pleasant response. At the very least, it results in a smile. More likely, that person will do something nice to, or for you. And, best of all, doing something nice just might be contagious. Sometimes we call it kindness.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Off before on

Riding a streetcar with my mom, we arrived at our stop and when the doors opened, we couldn't get off.  Boarding passengers rushed to get on pushing aside everyone near the doors.  It happens all the time.  Buses and trains and even elevators.  Not only is it rude and very unkind, but it isn't safe at all.  Please dear folks, let people get off first before you board!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Kindness makes me happy

Kindness makes me happy - all of it.  I love when people are kind to me of course, but I love being kind and doing kind things and I love seeing others do kind acts to their families and their friends.  I love seeing kindness toward animals too.  One of the most satisfying things in the whole world is kindness!

Friday, October 2, 2020

World Smile Day

The first Friday in October is World Smile Day. Did you know that? Today celebrates the ever popular yellow smiley. The intent of World Smile Day is to do an act of kindness, or help one person to smile. Hey! Why not do both!?

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Day for the Elderly

Today is International Day for the Elderly, dedicated to honor, respect and care for the world's elderly population. Anything we do to help, or support elderly people is a great idea!   Let's be especially kind. Remember, someday we all hope to be included among this group!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Random acts of kindness

Every now and then I have listed things we can all do to show kindness toward others. Here are some more: Volunteer to be a tutor in a school. Buy a pack of brightly colored stickers and give them to children you meet during the day. Let the person behind you in the grocery store go ahead of you in line. Invite someone new for dinner, either in your home or in a restaurant. Give toys to the children at a shelter. Say nice things randomly to facebook and twitter friends. Buy some bottles of water and randomly hand them out to strangers on the street. Drop off a plant or a plate of cookies to your nearby police or fire station. Please add your own ideas below!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

do my best

"I will do my best. That is all I can do.  I ask for your help - and God's."
                                              -Lyndon Baines Johnson, 36th President of the United States

Monday, September 28, 2020

Love is Love

Marriage equality didn't just happen overnight. I remember Gavin Newsom's first directive. I remember the in and out of court. I remember the public protests and being out there with hundreds of others.  I remember the moments of great disappointment (like the passing of Prop 8) and moments of great joy. I have had the great privilege of participating in a number of same-sex weddings.  Every single time I rejoice that love has indeed won. Hearing of yesterday's nuptials of two more friends of mine, truly warms my heart. In the midst of a very bleak year, it's wonderful to see that good things do still happen and we need to keep working to insure that there are more. Never give up!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

We are the change

Today seems like an appropriate time to remember the wise words of former President Barack Obama, who said "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Kindness for the pizzaman

Carlos Valdez is my new hero. He raised $12,000 on TikTok for an 89-year-old man who was delivering pizza to make ends meet. It is so wonderful to see people caring about each other like this.  It truly is a heartwarming story!

Friday, September 25, 2020

One Fine Morning!

I woke up listening to the Lighthouse hit One Fine Morning, and now I just know that it indeed is going to be one fine morning and one fine day!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

We're not out of the woods yet

Lest you forget, a reminder that COVID-19 is still with us!  We're not out of the woods yet folks.  One of the kindest things we all can do during this pandemic is to always wear a face mask when in public. We can slow this down and possibly even end it, just by showing respect for others. Physical distance, washing hands, and wearing a mask can truly make a difference!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

still going

When I began writing about kindness four years ago, someone told me I would run out of things to say in just a few days. Were they being unkind? Ha! There is always more to say about kindness, and I intend to write something here every single morning! Please be kind.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


I'm probably odd, but I love the winter! The cold months are my favorite and where I live the weather is just beginning to turn. Today is the first day of autumn.  I'll be so happy as the heat disappears. Of course I love the beauty of the summer months and I love to see people enjoying themselves. Maybe I'm not so odd after-all. Enjoy your day wherever you live!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Pumpkin spice

I'm seeing pumpkin spice products all over the place once again.  How come it isn't year-round?  Would we tire of it if we had too much?  I hear people talk about too much of a good thing, but to me that is impossible.  Could there be too much kindness?  How about too much love?  I don't think so!  

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Also from her mouth

So many are talking about Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and for good reason. She was a remarkable person. Take this piece of advice of hers, “If you want to influence people, you want them to accept your suggestions, you don’t say, ‘You don’t know how to use the English language,’ or ‘how could you make that argument?’ It will be welcomed much more if you have a gentle touch than if you are aggressive.”

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Justice Ginsburg said

The world is remembering Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and all she did.  What a kind and caring person who truly made a difference!  This quote from her sticks in my head:  "Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you."

Friday, September 18, 2020

Happy New Year!

As many of you know, the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset tonight.  For our Jesish sisters and brothers, it marks the beginning of a 10-day period known as the high holidays, filled with self reflection, making amends, and celebrating hope.  Whether or not you celebrate, I sincerely wish you peace, love, and good health, now and always.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Learning from Emerson

So many wise things came from Ralph Waldo Emerson, like "Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."  He also said "The only way to have a friend is to be one." I learn so much from reading his quotes.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Oh how I love kindness

I love when folks are kind to me of course, but I love seeing people be kind to others too.  Oh my!  Is there anything so wonderful as kindness?  I hope that someday everyone in the whole world will be kind to everyone else.  No fighting - not hate - a world overflowing with love and kindness!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Kind or not

Being kind isn't something most people stop and thing about.  Should I be kind today or not?  Nobody should ever want to choose not being kind!  Of course we are all human and from time to time we do things without thinking.  That's why I suppose thinking about kindness can be a very good thing.  We can remind ourselves of the rewards that come from being kind to others and when others are kind to us.

Monday, September 14, 2020

On the Road

Remember the late CBS newsman Charles Kuralt, who did those wonderful "On the Road" segments? Mr Kuralt once said "The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines."

Sunday, September 13, 2020

To Do

Are you a planner?  Do you make out a daily list of things to do?  One thing that should always be on the list: Be kind!

Saturday, September 12, 2020


I first met Anthony when he was a nursing assistant at the hospital where I volunteer.  The other day I noticed he is now a nurse - one of the best I ever have seen.  I told him so.  I have seen his great kindness toward his patients.  He told me he likes to make people feel good.  Isn't that what nursing is all about?  Actually, I think that is what life is all about!  Thanks for your kindness Anthony!

Friday, September 11, 2020

No tragedy porn please

September 11, 2001 was unquestionably the most terrible day of our age. We have memories of where we were that day and have the terrible images burned into our souls. Those images cause mental anguish and pain, and reengage raw emotions for those who were there, who lost loved ones, and who lived in those places.  We don't need to see images on social media or tv newscasts.  That is certainly not a kind thing.  There is so much currently bad in the news, we certainly done need repeated images of the past.  Please be kind.  "Tragedy porn" does no good to anyone.

Thursday, September 10, 2020


I woke up hearing Al Jarreau on the radio singing "Summertime." No one ever quite sang "Summertime" like Al Jarreau. Oh my! What a lovely way to begin a day.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Mr Pineda

I could probably write here about Arnel Pineda every single day.  I have seen him do some amazing things and I have heard about others.  It's not often that a rock star is thought of as a kindness hero, but I can say that about Mr Pineda (and a few others).  I want to say thank you.  That kindness truly makes a difference.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Our theme song

Probably very few of you recall when Bob Keeshan  as Captain Kangaroo sang "It's Another Be-Good-To Mommy Day" on his children's tv program, but I think of that song often when I write these words each morning. Perhaps we could make it our theme song and change the words to It's Another Be-Kind-To Others Day.  Ready?  Let's sing!

Monday, September 7, 2020

Bring back the welcome wagon

There was a time when neighbors welcomed new neighbors.  If someone was moving in to a house of apartment close by, you dropped by with a fruit basket, some fresh bread, or maybe a nice cake.  Sometimes individuals did it and sometimes it was part of an organized official "welcome wagon."  One things is certain though - it was a very kind gesture!

Sunday, September 6, 2020


Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color!  Can you imagine a rainbow with only one color?  oh my!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

laugh as much as I cry

Everything that came out of Maya Angelou's mouth was inspiring, or so it seemed. Ponder this statement of hers: "My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return." I particularly like the "laugh as much as I cry" part. Human emotion.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Not an expert

Kindness is something I strive for in myself, but I am certainly not an expert.  I love when folks are good and kind toward me, and I get a genuinely wonderful feeling when I am the recipient of the kindness of others.  That doesn't mean I am perfect.  That doesn't mean I don't need help along the way.  I always welcome suggestions of how I can be more kind.

Thursday, September 3, 2020


If you want to touch the past, touch a rock. 
If you want to touch the present, touch a flower. 
If you want to touch the future, touch a life.
                                   -author unknown

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Heroes of Mister Rogers

Children's television host Fred Rogers said some remarkable things which often come to mind, like "Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me."  He also said more about heroes:  "We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility.  It's easy to say 'It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.'  Then there are those who see the need and respond.  I consider those people my heroes.'  I agree.  One more thing though - to me, Mister Rogers was also a hero.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Odd anniversaries

As we enter September, we mark the continuing struggle against social injustice.  What will it take folks?  Really.  What will it take.  We also mark some very obvious signs that climate change is real.  I have believed science all along.  Hopefully there are a lot more believers now.  We are going into six months of this COVID-19 pandemic and next week will also remember the horrific terrorist attacks of September 11th.  Be kind to one another.  Work for good.  Be positive.  Let's make the change that needs to happen!

Monday, August 31, 2020

How's everyone doing?

Hello!  How's everyone doing?  More than five months since our world changed so much because of this COVID-19 pandemic, and I still keep seeing hopeful signs.  Yes, there are a lot of jerks out there and that can be frustrating, but don't let it get you down.  Keep a good attitude.  Stay safe.  Stay kind!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Some random acts of kindkess

Let the person behind you in the grocery store go ahead of you in line. Say nice things randomly to friends on social media. Buy some bottles of water and randomly hand them out to strangers on the street. Volunteer for a cause or campaign that is important to you. Clean graffiti from neighborhood walls and buildings. Leave a treat or handmade note of thanks for a delivery person or mail carrier. Give another driver your parking spot. There are so many random acts of kindness.  Can you think of others?

Saturday, August 29, 2020


So much kindness in our world.  It is a tough year to be sure, but yesterday on my birthday so many reached out to me and showed kindness.  I even got my favorite chicken!  woo hoo!  I am truly grateful!

Friday, August 28, 2020

celebrating with social media

One of the things I love about social media, is they keep you aware of special dates like birthdays and anniversaries.  Today is my birthday and before facebook and twitter, only family and close friends and maybe folks at work kept up with such things.  Checking facebook when I got up, I already had tons of good wishes.  Virtual celebrations - a new type of kindness.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hold the door

Waiting an extra ten seconds can seem like an annoyance, especially if you're running late, but holding that elevator for the person who is rushing to catch it, is a perfect way to show you value another's time.  The same thing is true when you hold the door open for a person entering a building behind you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

never give up

Sometimes it seems like there is more bad news than good and sometimes it seems like the world is full of mean people, but keep positive.  Don't let the negativity get you down.  There is always room for your kindness, so never give up.  You just might change the world!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What we have

We still have racism
We still have unrest
We still have a pandemic
We still have wildfires
We still have political turmoil
We also still have each other
We still have the capacity to love
We are still able to be KIND!

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sharing is caring

We have heard folks say "Sharing is caring" and it can really mean different things.  One kind of sharing is simply exchanging thoughts and ideas.  I try to share some thoughts every morning here for example.  I would love for you to share some thoughts and ideas too!  Right below in the comments section, say something about kindness.  We would love to hear from you!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Pay a compliment

It always feels nice when someone pays you a kind sincere compliment. It's such an easy thing to do too! I'll bet if we all give it a try, when can come up with a compliment for just about everybody and wouldn't that make for a lovely day?  Let's make this Pay a Compliment Day.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


Having a tough day?  Take a moment and look at a picture of your children, or place your hand on your chest and feel your heartbeat, or think of the person you brought a smile to earlier in the day.  Wondrous!  It's called purpose. You're here in this world for a reason. Never give up.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Kindness in giving

Ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi told us "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love."

Thursday, August 20, 2020

early cards

Some early birthday cards came in the mail this week.  I have no idea who one sender is, although it is very nice that she sends warm wishes!  Cards for birthdays and holidays have nearly disappeared and that's a shame.  It's such an easy and inexpensive way to say that we care.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Mask It

I have said it before as have so many others, but in this pandemic, one of the kindest things we all can do is to always wear a face mask when in public.  We can slow this down and possibly even end it, just by showing respect for others.  Physical distance, washing hands, and wearing a mask can truly make a difference!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

No thanks

There seems to be a trend these days to not say thank you.  Oh my!  How unkind!  If someone does something special for you, acknowledge it.  Let them know you are grateful.  This is especially true when someone gives you a nice present or money.  Oh and if you donate to a charity, there should be a thank you too!  Money should always be acknowledged in writing too.  It's polite.  It's kind.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Sunday, August 16, 2020

three ways to success

 TV's MisterRogers always got it so right!  His words:  “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” 

Saturday, August 15, 2020


Today is Relaxation Day.  Seriously.  It's on the calendar!  Now this is a day made especially for me!  Be kind to yourself.  Relax.  Enjoy the moment!

Friday, August 14, 2020

It's free

How much will they charge you to be kind?  Absolutely nothing!  It's free.  Hold that door wide open for the person approaching behind you.  Pay your coworker a compliment.  Share that smile with folks on the street.  There are so many ways to be kind to others, and it doesn't have to cost you a thing!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kindly share this

Do you enjoy reading this brief thoughts every day?  Perhaps you have some thoughts of your own regarding kindness.  Do feel free to share your comments below and kindly share this blog with your friends on social media and via text or email.  Thanks!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Fortune question

Someone asked me about the fortune that is displayed next to the messages here each day.  I thought I had mentioned it before, but it actually came inside a fortune cookie about the time I began writing this.  The simple message "From now on your kindness will lead to success," seems like a good moto to me!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The kindest of all

I was just trying to think of the kindest thing anyone ever did for me.  I'm fortunate to have so many kind people in my life, it may take me a while to come up with the kindest of all.  Actually that inspires me to think up more ways to be kind!

Monday, August 10, 2020

surrounded by kindness

While I may talk about kindness all the time, I know I make my share of mistakes.  I want to be nice and pleasant and show kindness to everyone, but if I fall short, please forgive me.  I'm not perfect.  I can always use help.  I think the more kindness I am surrounded with, the easier it will be for me.  If we all are surrounded with kindness imagine how wonderful our world will be!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Almost my birthday

Just nineteen days until my birthday (and nevermind how old I will be).  Remember when you were a kid and your counted off the days?  Did you try to be good around then too just to make sure a present was coming your way?  And now. have you changed?

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The kindness of cooking

Cooking a meal for someone is such a kind thing!  TV chef Julia Child once said "I think careful cooking is love, don't you? The loveliest thing you can cook for someone who's close to you is about as nice a valentine as you can give."

Friday, August 7, 2020

Checking in

How is everybody?  Seriously.  Are things going well for you these days?  One of the kindest things a person can do is check in on their family members and friends.  Does someone have a great success they want to share?  How about those though times when you need a friend just to listen while you vent?  Be there.  Let folks know you care.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

letting go of our need to be right

Author and meditation expert Sharon Salzberg once wrote "Sometimes kindness takes the form of stepping aside, letting go of our need to be right, and just being happy for someone."  Indeed.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

kindness poem

This is a kindness poem we used to recite in grade school. Does anyone else remember it?
Kind hearts are the gardens,
 Kind thoughts are the roots,
 Kind words are the blossoms,
 Kind deeds are the fruits.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Lend an ear

Do you ever just need someone around to hear you? Sometimes, especially in times of crisis, the thing you need the most is someone to talk to. They don't have to talk back. How wonderful it is to have a person who can simply sit in silence and listen to those who need a listening ear. In times of worry or sorrow or loneliness, this is particularly true. Listening to another person is a great act of kindness.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Anything we want

We have the choice to be anything we want, so why not choose to be kind?  I can't think of any better choice!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Friendship Day

The first Sunday in August is Friendship Day.  Friendship is such a wonderful thing.  I think it should be celebrated every day!  Of course I think that about kindness too!

Saturday, August 1, 2020

I love August

Favorite month?  Maybe not, but I love August.  I always have.  Maybe part of it is because my birthday comes up later in the month and August begins with a dear friend's birthday.  Maybe it's because it's in the middle of summer and I'm usually doing some fun things.  Anyway, even during this pandemic, August can be good.  Let's make it so!

Friday, July 31, 2020

Such a kind thing to do

Over the past few years, I have written lists here several times, of various acts of kindness we can do for others.  Some are big, and some are small.  Some take money and some take time, but many are easy to do just as you days rolls along.  I hear word often about how wonderful such things make people feel, and not just the receiver, but the doer as well.  Can you add to the list of kind acts?  Please feel free to write in the comments section below.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Show the world you care

 Let your family and friends and coworkers and everyone know that you care.  Indeed show the world you care.  Caring is the beginning of being kind

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


She posted pictures on facebook.  They looked so good.  I jokingly commented that she should have made some for me.  She did.  About half an hour after I posted my comment, there was a knock at my door, and here was this lady with a plate of cookies for me.  So very nice, and despite my comment, it was also quite a surprise.  This is kindness!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Weird Summer

This is certainly the most weird summer I have ever experienced.  We are all going through a lot of difficult moments.  Are you finding it harder to be kind to others?  That certainly is understandable, but let's not let the situation get the better of us.  Kindness can get us through difficult moments!

Monday, July 27, 2020

She lived to a ripe old age

Over the weekend, Olivia de Havilland passed away at the age of 104.  Nice long life, huh?  One of the things we always measure about people is how long they are here.  The obituary says "She lived to a ripe old age."  But wait, there is so much more.  "She was a kind and loving person."  That is what we all should work toward.  It's not the how long that should be important.  I have always been encouraged by those wonderful words from Pippin:  "And don't you see I want my life to be something more than long."

Sunday, July 26, 2020

So rewarding

You know I agree with the young singer Mary Lambert when she said "Treat others as you wish to be treated. Don't just be nice, but be kind to other people. That can be so rewarding."  Rewarding indeed!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Is kindness something we learn?

Did someone teach you to be kind? Did you observe your grandmother or your mom, or perhaps a teacher and learn from seeing them, or did you become a kind and thoughtful person all on your own? I wonder, just how much is nature and how much is nurture?

Friday, July 24, 2020

A tongue has no bones

We should all be careful with our words.  A tongue has no bones, yet it is strong enough to break a heart. Let's all think about what we say.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Hold that door

Remember when folks always opened a door for a woman? How about when people see someone else coming and keep the door open for you? Remember? Oh and if you saw someone running to catch the elevator you are on, same thing. It doesn't seem to happen as much as it once did. Something as simple as holding the door open can make someone's day. It really can, and it's such an easy kind act!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

role models

Basketball superstar Jeremy Lin is someone I always find inspiring. Lin said "I think right now the way society's going, I think role models are important, and kids need direction. If I didn't have that direction growing up, who knows what I could be doing, because I've been lost many times in my life, and I've had to have someone guide me back on the right path."

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Kind year

2020 won't be remembered as a kind year.  Oh my!  So many terrible things.  Hopefully we will be seeing some good around the corner, and of course we can control a lot of the good ourselves.  We can help spread around that kindness!

Monday, July 20, 2020


I am so very thankful for the people who were part of my medical procedure on Friday and who supported me in a (virtual) charity event yesterday.  There are so many wonderful kind people in this world and I am thankful to have so many of them in my life!

Sunday, July 19, 2020


If you don't go after what you want, you will never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always going to be no. If you don't step forward, you'll always be in the same place.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Close up

I got to see lots of kindness close up yesterday when I went for a medical procedure.  So many wonderful caring people.  That was very encouraging.  Oh and my surgical event went well and all is well with my health.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Remember me

Some things we can achieve in life, and other things are out of our hands. We can try to be the richest or the best looking or the tallest or the fastest, but what do any of those things really mean? Years after someone meets me, I'd prefer for them to remember that I was nice to them. They don't have to recall my sense of humor or my incredible physique. I'd much rather have them remember that I was kind to them, and to others.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Give it some thought

Some days it might come naturally, and at other times you might have to think a bit.  There's really nothing wrong with that.  Sometimes those special kind acts that we think up are pretty wonderful indeed.  If like me you are trying to become more kind each day, just give it some thought.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Kind health care workers

We think of nurses and doctors and all health care workers as people who are kind, but sadly that isn't always the case.  A nursing assistant at the hospital where I volunteer, got talking with a patient about a Filipino band.  I joined in the conversation and the patient was all smiles.  Then the aide brought out her phone and she actually had a video of the band we had been talking about.  Lots more smiles followed.  Kindness is such great medicine for healing.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Good summer

Are you having a good summer?  Yes, it sure is an odd one.  Hopefully things will be getting better soon.  Let us continue to be kind to each other.

Monday, July 13, 2020

The kindest thing you do this week

What do you think will be the kindest thing you do this week? Oh there are certainly a lot of loving and nice things we can all do for each other, and everyone can add suggestions, but I like the idea of always trying to outdo myself? Let's be kind to everyone! Let's put some smiles of those faces!  Let's all try to be more kind than we ever have been before.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Kindness guidebook

Taking a page from our kindness guidebook, how about buying an extra meal when you go into that fast food place, and give it to the homeless person you passed outside? With so much road rage, be different. When drivers try to merge into your lane, let them in with a wave and a smile. Say something nice to every single person you encounter today. Volunteer at an organization that could use your help. The ideas are endless!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

ice cream

Strawberries and vanilla ice cream and whipped cream - I'm not sure why that popped into my head.  Oh!  I remember the wonderful ice cream socials that used to happen every July when I was growing up.  It was mostly a chance to hang out with lots of people (something we can't do these days) and to eat lots of yummies (something we also probably shouldn't be doing).  Be kind to yourself.  Indulge in something that makes you happy.  Ice cream?  Perhaps.

Friday, July 10, 2020

a list

So my friends, let's list some things.  Tell me (in the comments below) what you think is the kindest thing someone could possibly do.  We need some special ideas, in addition to just being nice.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


Someone once said (I really don't remember who it was) that strangers are just friends we haven't met yet.  How true!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Do you remember the Story Lady?

She may have been called something different, but there was probably a story lady, someone who read to you in school when you were little, or perhaps it was in the library or a local community center.  It might have been a teenager or an older person.  It might even have been a man.  Oh and reading for others isn't limited to children.  Reading to the blind or the elderly is pretty wonderful too.  While some of these folks might be paid, many are volunteers.  What an incredible act of kindness, huh?  Even while we are social distancing, we can still read - try doing a video chat or even just over the phone.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

In the mail

Yesterday in the mail there was a gift - actually several gifts together in the same envelope.  There was a gift card included, with the words Just because written on it.  I was actually moved to tears.  I'm always talking about kindness and here was such a wonderful example.  Oh my!  Many thanks to a super person who truly made my day!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Those Dreams

I have said this before, but it is so true.   If you can dream it, you can achieve it.  Don't ever give up. Oh and when you accomplish your own dreams, reach out and help some other folks do the same thing with theirs.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

What does it mean

Kindness.  I write about it here every day, but what does it mean?  Is being kind something we should all be doing?  Well my answer to that is yes.  Yes indeed!  What are your thoughts though?  I ask every now and then, but you are always welcome to comment and to share your thoughts.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

We hold these truths to be self-evident

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." -from the Declaration of Independence, approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776

Friday, July 3, 2020

Invisible people

There was a time - there really was, when folks spoke to each other. More and more it seems like people are texting or otherwise involved with some electronic device. You can say hello to someone and be ignored and you can smile and offer a cheery "Good Morning!" without even a return glance in your direction. It can make you feel invisible! When someone smiles back though, it make a huge difference. When you are noticed, the feeling of kindness can melt your heart.  We are not invisible people!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Go forward

Stop looking backwards. You aren't going that way! Stay in the present moment. Be here now. Go proudly forward!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Well the past few months certainly have been odd.  Now we begin a brand new month.  July is here, the month of our nation's birthday!  May this be a month of kindness for us all and may things improve in our lives.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


When someone is kind enough to give you something, return that kindness by acknowledging their gift and saying thank you.  Someone buys you lunch?  Say thank you!  Someone gives you a present?  Say thank you!  Someone donates to a fundraiser you are sponsoring?  Say thank you!  I think written thank you notes are especially appropriate.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Share it

Kindness is not something to hide in a closet or to only bring out for special occasions.  Oh no!  Something this special needs to be out in the open.  Something this special needs to be shared!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Happy Pride

It's not uncommon to hear folks saying Happy Pride on the last weekend in June, because in many places, this weekend is when LGBTQ Pride celebrations occur.  June is Pride Month, and a few weeks ago I said here that Nobody should have to hide from anyone.  Of course it isn't hiding when you have to stay inside because of a terrible pandemic.  Today is the 50th anniversary of many of the Pride events, and even though so many are shifting to a virtual event, there is still reason to celebrate!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Future

If I could predict the future, I would be so rich!  When will the pandemic end?  When will our economy improve?  When will racism and hatred end?  When will we be more kind?  Some questions are more difficult than others to answer.  Of course there are some things about our future that we very easily CAN change.  We can be more kind, for example.  We each have that power.

Friday, June 26, 2020

A new kind of kind

These days most of us have adapted to a new way of living, at least in part.  With that comes a number of news ways of being kind.  Wearing a mask might not be a of of fun, but it's not for us.  We do it because we care about others.  The same thing is true with physical distancing.  I'd love to run up to some of my friends and give them a big hug, but not now.  Unless they live with you in the same household, stay at least six feet away.  The kind thing is the safe thing.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

good in every day

Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day.  Say it again.  Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day.  Remember that.  Don't let things get you down.  Be kind to yourself!  Now, one more time - Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Ring the phones

As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing kinder than reaching out and saying hello to another person.  In this midst of this pandemic as we physically distance, it is probably more important.  Folks who are all alone at home with nobody to talk to will certainly welcome a card or an email, but let's ring the phones too.  There is nothing better than hearing the voice of someone who cares.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Summertime is just beginning.  It is my hope that we will become a kinder more caring people and that we can truly enjoy this summer.  Let's do our best to make that happen.

Monday, June 22, 2020

In thanksgiving

A priest I know, issued a "prayer challenge" for the week during yesterday's livestreamed mass. He said as we pray this week, give only thanksgiving. What a marvelous idea!  I wonder how many can do this. There really is so much to give thanks for, even if it doesn't seem like it!

Sunday, June 21, 2020


Michael Jordan said "My father used to say that it's never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, 'You never know what you can accomplish until you try.'"  What advice did you get from your dad?  Thinking kindly today of all the fathers and fatherly figures.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Are you a kind person

Are you a kind person?  A little self-examination can be a good thing, so take a good hard look at yourself.  Are you nice to people?  Does it just happen or do you have to really work at it?  I know that it is harder for some folks to be kind, but it is possible for ALL of us.  Sometimes it might take a bit more effort, but every single one of us can be kind.  Let's do it!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Juneteenth work

Today should be a legal holiday all across our nation. The liberation Juneteenth commemorates is cause for celebration by every single one of us. Sadly though it also reminds us how equality can be delayed. The quotation "all men are created equal," part of the US Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson penned in 1776 back in 1776, doesn't have an asterisk. It doesn't say all except for the Blacks.  There is still so much work to be done, but suddenly many people are waking up.  We can and we must change.  Hate is not an option.  Black Lives Matter!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Up on Crumhorn Mountain

I was thinking this morning of a Boy Scout Camp nearly a century old, on Crumhorn Mountain in Upstate New York.  As a scout, I spent a lot of time there.  I learned about nature and about kindness and about how to get along with others.  The scouts back then did a lot of good things, but they excluded a lot of kids too.  I think they have improved.  I think they have finally learned more about kindness.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Be there for them

I keep hearing reach out. Share your problems. Talk about it. Reveal it. Ask for help. Yup.   All of that is good of course, but if we truly care, it is up to us to reach out to others. Do you know someone who is all alone and possibly feeling lonely or depressed?  Don't wait for their cry for help. Be there for them!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

From the mouth of Groucho

The one and only Groucho Marx said (and did) a lot of humorous things, but he also spoke the truth and often said some very profound things, like this: "Learn from the mistakes of others, or you may not be in the job long enough to make them all yourself."

Monday, June 15, 2020

Go beyond reason to love

Writer and author Thaddeus Golas said "Go beyond reason to love - it is safe. It is the only safety. Love all you can, and when you are ready all will be shown to you."

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Make Me Smile

Remember that wonderful song Make Me Smile, written by James Pankow for Chicago guitarist Terry Kath on lead vocals?  Oh my!  That always makes me smile!  What I was thinking of this morning though is an exercise that we all could do, where we consciously tried to bring a smile to people.  Let's be quite intentional in spreading the happiness and the smiles!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

This Weekend

So what are you doing this weekend?  Any big plans?  How about if you spend some time bringing joy to someone else - or maybe several someones/  It really isn't that difficult.  Be kind and thoughtful and this weekend make someone feel special.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Changes due to COVID

The entire world has gone through major changes as a result of COVID-19.  So many lives have been lost.  So many people have lost jobs and property.  Has anything good come out of this?  Well for one thing, I think we all have become more aware of hygiene.  Many of us have become more caring of others too.  What other positive changes have occurred?  Share your thoughts.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Some random acts of kindness

Here are some random acts of kindness.  Call an acquaintance just to say hello.  Donate to a charity, especially during this pandemic, one that deals with health care.  Send a note to someone you seldom see.  Say nice things randomly to facebook and twitter friends.  Be good to yourself!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How are things in your world

Good morning!  How are things in your world?  Are you some place where things are slowly getting back to normal, or are you still sheltering in place?  Remember that even if you are not seeing folks in person, you can still reach out to them.  Write a bunch of emails today or even pop a good old card in the mail.  Phone calls can be heart-warming too.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Butcha gotta have friends

How many friends do you have?  Is there someone you consider your best friend?  Today, just in case you didn't know it, is National Best Friends Day!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Kindness even more

These days there is a lot to adjust to and it looks like there will be even more.  It is times like these when we need kindness even more!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

what does it mean

kindness NOUN the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

Friday, June 5, 2020


In case you didn't already know, June is LGBTQ Pride Month.  There is still so much discrimination against those who identify as lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer or questioning and we ALL must do our part to make equality a reality.  Nobody should have to live in a closet.  Nobody should have to hide from anyone.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Random acts in June

Here are some random acts of kindness to begin this month of June.  Sponsor people in fundraising walk-a-thons.  Make random kind comments on social media.  Leave a treat or an inspiring note (or both) for your FedEx driver, UPS driver, or mail carrier.  Reach out with phone calls to those who are alone.  Be creative - there are many more ideas!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


In full support of BlackOutTuesday yesterday, I was silent across all platforms, including the two blogs I write.  Some argue that we should never be silent and that the big problem with all the hate is our silence.  Certainly silence is a factor.  We cannot yell and scream at each other either.  Sometimes it is good to just take a step back and listen. Yesterday was just the beginning.  There is a LOT of work to do.  Along the way, I will continue to promote kindness because it is very hard to hate someone when you are being kind to each other.

Monday, June 1, 2020

A Brand New Month

Hello June!  Here we have a brand new month.  March, April, and May have not been all that wonderful this year.  May June break the pattern and be fantastic!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

show the love

When was the last time you told someone that you love them? Perhaps even more important is when did you last SHOW anyone that you love them? All too often we assume folks know we care about them, but saying it and showing it are important. Our lives are not without end and we should not be faced with regret about things unsaid or undone, when someone's time on earth is over. Let's all remind ourselves and our families just how important and precious life is, and let's always show the love.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Incredible Kind Person

I want to say thanks this morning for an amazing person.  He has been an emergency medical technician, a fitness trainer, and now is beginning a career as a nurse, and he is one of the kindest people you will ever come across.  He never stops inspiring me too.  We should all be so lucky as to have someone like this in our lives!

Friday, May 29, 2020

thanks a lot

Saying thank you isn't something we do as often as we should, in my opinion.  It is quick and easy and doesn't cost anything.  Showing thanks should be as regular as being kind!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

This COVID-19

I believe in science and in good judgement.  I believe in following the informed advice of my medical providers.  This COVID-19 appears to be getting worse, and we all need to be on the same page.  It's new.  We are learning.  One thing we already should have learned though is compassion and kindness.  Let's stop the spread by caring about of friends and neighbors.  Wash you hands often.  Wear a mask.  Keep your distance from others.  Care.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Almost done

Well May is almost done, but that's just part of life.  Time marches on!  We need to make every single month count.  Indeed, every single day!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Kindness even toward those we dislike

Many people are of the opinion that they must never show any kindness to those with whom they disagree or those they dislike.  Nope.  We can be kind to everyone.  Let them do they negative.  We can strive to take the high road.  Sometimes it's just a matter of common courtesy, but being kind and extending a positive attitude should always be they way we operate.  Who knows?  We just might bring about change in those other people!

Monday, May 25, 2020

This holiday

Here in the United States, today is Memorial Day, a federal holiday honoring and mourning the military personnel who had died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. This year, because of COVID-19, observances may look a little different, but it is still important that we remember.  It is NOT when we honor all who have served - that is Veteran's Day.  Also, despite the picnics and sales that usually pop up, that should not be the emphasis either.  Let us remember the fallen.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Going to church

In the US, most public worship has been suspended for the past couple of months.  It's amazing to me the clever ways faith communities have stayed together though and I am happy to regularly participate in some online liturgies.  A congregation I was a part of several years ago has very kindly kept me informed about what they are doing and I will be looking in on them in just a few hours.  Going to church looks so different these days!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Wonderful woman

Last night I spent some time video chatting with a wonderful woman whom I've known for a couple of years.  She's a nurse, a mental health advocate, a champion of suicide awareness, and an incredibly nice person.  What a beautiful experience it was chatting with her too.  She always brightens my day!  It's the simple thing folks.  Kindness is caring.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Holiday weekend

Here we are with a holiday weekend, but most of us will be observing it very differently.  The important thing is to stay safe and be kind!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Albert Schweitzer said

The great Albert Schweitzer told us "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."  Wise words.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

words from Scott Adams

Think about these words from Scott Adams:  "Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness.  Every act contains a ripple with no logical end."

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Lincoln said

Wise words from Abraham Lincoln: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Monday, May 18, 2020

Creative kindness

In these days of COVID-19, we have to be a lot more creative in showing kindness to others, or so it would seem.  Actually simple things like a phone call or an email can be done any time.  Let people know you are thinking of them, even if you can't get together face-to-face.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Another Sunday

This may seem like just another Sunday to you, but today is special.  Of course every day is special.  Seriously.  We make things important.  We decide when to celebrate and when not to.  How about if all of us consider every day to be special and every person to be special and we spend our lives doing marvelous special things.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Nobody said it would be easy

It's been difficult these past few months and it is likely to get even more difficult.  Nobody said it would be easy.  Kindness is more important now than ever.  Get creative.  What can you do to make a positive difference, even if it's behind your closed door?  Thank about it.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Kind, kind, kind

All I ever talk about here is kind, kind, kind.  Is there anything more beautiful though than being kind to others?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Early riser

Each morning I get up between 4:30 and 5.  After a quick shower, there is a run through the neighborhood and some additional exercise, before I grab some breakfast and write my two blogs.  I always feel refreshed when I finish all of that and then at 9 is my hour of prayer and meditation.  It's pretty much the same each morning.  Oh and as an early riser, I am very kind to myself and always get to bed pretty early.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Fresh start

Don’t be afraid to start all over again. Who knows? You may like your new story better.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Another Tuesday

For some folks, the days are pretty much the same, especially if these days you are staying home and social distancing.  That doesn't mean to let things go.  On this Tuesday, do something intentional for yourself and for others, even if it doesn't mean going outside.  Use your imagination.  Show the love!

Monday, May 11, 2020

We can adapt

Not everything stays the same, and as difficult as these past two months have been, I predict that we have many more months to go.  We can adapt though.  We can alter the ways that we do things and adjust to what is necessary to stay safe and healthy.  Human beings are incredible.  With love, respect, and kindness we can get through anything.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mothers Day

Oliver Wendell Holmes said “Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; A mother’s secret hope outlives them all.”  Thinking of all the mothers in our lives on the Mothers Day.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Tough times

A record 20.5 million jobs were lost in April here in the United States, as the unemployment rate jumped to 14.7 percent, which is the highest it has been since the Great Depression.  Oh my!  We really are in the midst of tough times.  Let's all make extra effort to be nice and good to each other.  Brighter days will come, but it will be so much easier to get there if we all exercise kindness.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Even now

As I reflected about the importance of being kind last night, I was thinking about the COVID-19 pandemic and how even now will so much going on, we still need to be kind.  Perhaps I should say especially now.  I have seen a lot of negativity on social media and I understand the frustration, but how much nicer things are when we are civil and patient.  Yes, it is difficult, but we can get through this!  Let's work together and always stay kind.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Hello.  It's a short word.  It's only five letters and just two syllables.  Hard to believe it can be such a big deal, huh?  During these days of sheltering in place, a phone call with a simple hello is a VERY big deal.  It can totally brighten someone's day/  Even when things return a bit to the usual way of doing things, that little hello is still a big deal.  Think of those who are always alone.  Think of friends or relatives who are far away.  Say hello!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Kindness in giving

Yesterday I registered for a walk-a-thon for a cause very dear to me and I began a fundraiser to collect money for the cause.  Within minutes a generous donor was there to help out.  His giving is another fine example of kindness!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Kindness always matters

Even though many of us have been at least six feet apart, many of us have never been closer.  Kindness always matters, even in the midst of a pandemic and social distancing.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Working from home

I'm working from home these days and not coming in to direct physical contact with anyone, but that doesn't mean goodbye to kindness.  We can still be kind via social media, phone, email, and even waving from our windows!  Kindness should never end!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Kindness while homebound

Most of us love to be out and about and it's been tough staying home, even though we know it's for our own good.  While we are home though it is so important to remember that kindness I am always talking about.  Be kind to everyone in your household.  Remember they probably want to be out too!  Oh and be kind to yourself!  This is especially important if you live alone.  Kindness never should take a day off.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

like breathing out and breathing in

The selflessness we show comes naturally for many of us.  It's like breathing out and breathing in. We don't even have to give it a thought. I'm sure you know folks like that.   I think it is something that can easily be learned too. It just feels good. Whether it's natural or learned, being considerate and generous, makes others feel good too. Oh my!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Be so happy

Be so happy that
when others look at you,
they become happy too!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

What a month

What a month this has been!  Seems to be getting worse each day.  We must all hold on to hope though and continue to share love and kindness.  There is no virus that can destroy love.  Yeah April has certainly been odd, but we are here and we will continue and we hope you all continue to be safe and stay well.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Humanity is resilient

During this time of COVID-19, these words from Jason Chu are particularly encouraging:  "Humanity is resilient. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years as a political prisoner and came out to heal a nation."

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Hearing about kindness

I have hearing about kindness via tv reports and social media and it is so nice to know about the basic goodness people possess.  The world is certainly going through a tough time, but if we are nice to each other, it becomes so much easier.  I'm sure you might be hearing some kindness stories too.  Please share them in the comments below.

Monday, April 27, 2020

deep breath

Take a deep breath.  Now relax.  Now maybe one more deep breath.  Yeah these days are not going as we would like and so many things are being postponed or cancelled, but kindness cannot be cancelled.  The good in us will always be there.  Remind yourself of this, and than take another deep breath.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

It's the little things

For most of us, life is a whole lot different these days.  If you are among those who are staying at home in order to stop the spread of COVID-19, you might be going stir crazy, but think of all the others who are also at home and maybe feeling a little lonely.  It only take a few seconds to text someone.  I received a nice long informative email from someone yesterday, and it made my day.  A few days ago I called a lady I seldom see and we had a lovely conversation.  It's the little things like this that can make a tremendous difference.  When we all reach out, we really aren't alone!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Words of Saint Mark

"Do not become a disciple of one who praises himself, in case you learn pride instead of humility." -Saint Mark the Evangelist

Friday, April 24, 2020

Kind to someone else

Yesterday I asked you to recall what was the kindest thing anyone ever did for you.  Now, thing about the opposite.  What is the kindest thing you ever did for someone else.  I'll bet it's harder to remember.  If you are a good person who is always kind, it's not something you really think about.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Kindest to you

Think for just a moment.  What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?  How did it make you feel?  Think about it and why you remember it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

For the beauty of the earth

The 50th anniversary of Earth Day is today, a day when most of us are staying at home.  Ordinarily on this day there are programs and celebrations and events to help protect the environment.  Today is different.  In the news though you may have seen the good things that have been happening with us staying home.  The air is cleaner.  The streams and rivers are clearer.  There is virtually no litter.  For the beauty of the earth, let us vow to keep things good.  When we begin venturing out again, let's keep that air clean, those waterways clear, and our cities litter-free!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Kindness from the Sassy Cow

So many people are coming together and making a difference during this pandemic, and I was so happy to read this story yesterday. Sassy Cow Creamery products are carried by over 75 retailers in Wisconsin and Northern Illinois, so some of you already know about them, but this week they are in the news for something very kind. Owners James Baerwolf and Robert Baerwolf began a “Kindness Cooler,” where folks can go and pickup milk and other dairy products. The brothers said the refrigerator will be kept full until after the COVID-19 pandemic is over.  Now that's kindness!

Monday, April 20, 2020

My Nana

My mother's mother we all called Nana.  I have so many wonderful memories of her, especially a few months when I lived with her.  We took turns cooking meals and doing various household things, and every day was fun.  I'm lucky to have had such a wonderful grandmother.  While I do think of her often, I do especially every April 20th because that was her birthday.  Rest in peace Nana and thanks for the many kind memories!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone!  Oh I know, it might not seem all that happy, but things will get better.  For now, keep showing love to those you know, whether they live with you in the same household, or if they are folks you have to reach out to with technology. Show the love, keep that kindness coming, and be patient.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Stop it

One of the kindest things we can do right now is to stay home and avoid direct contact with others.  I keep hearing talk about slowing the spread, but what about stopping the spread?  We can do it, but instead of modifying our behavior, lets change it altogether and truly keep our distance. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

one month anniversary

For many folks, today is the one month anniversary of staying home and sheltering in place.  Unfortunately there is more to come.  We WILL make it though.  The important things is to not give up.  To follow the guidelines.  To keep showing kindness toward others.  Remember, we aren't stuck at home, we're safe at home!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Home alone

If you are expecting me to say something about Macaulay Culkin, you are wrong.  I'm thinking though of all those who are home all by themselves because of COVID-19.  We ALL should be staying home, unless we are performing an essential job.  Many are complying, and this is a good thing.  Many though are experiencing something they might not normally see:  loneliness.  Now is a good time to reach out to those who are alone.  A phone call, even just a short one, can brighten someone's day!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What say you

Kind deeds are what I talk about here.  We can always use kindness!  What do you have to say though?  Can you share some stories?  I'd love to hear about some kind moments you have encountered, and I'm sure our readers would too!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


When should we be kind?  On birthdays and anniversaries?  Of course!  At holidays?  Yup.  Just an average everyday moment?  Yes, then too.  It's really quite simple.  We should be kind every day of our lives.  We should be kind always!

Monday, April 13, 2020


Support each other,
Respect each other, and
Be there for each other.
We are all in this together!

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Another day of kindness is upon us!
Let us rejoice and be glad!  Alleluia!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

It's a win-win situation

The selflessness we show comes naturally for many. It's like breathing out and breathing in. We don't even have to give it a thought. I'm sure you know folks like that. I think it is something that can easily be learned too. It just feels good. Whether it's natural or learned, being considerate and generous, makes others feel good too. It's a win-win situation.