Tuesday, June 30, 2020


When someone is kind enough to give you something, return that kindness by acknowledging their gift and saying thank you.  Someone buys you lunch?  Say thank you!  Someone gives you a present?  Say thank you!  Someone donates to a fundraiser you are sponsoring?  Say thank you!  I think written thank you notes are especially appropriate.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Share it

Kindness is not something to hide in a closet or to only bring out for special occasions.  Oh no!  Something this special needs to be out in the open.  Something this special needs to be shared!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Happy Pride

It's not uncommon to hear folks saying Happy Pride on the last weekend in June, because in many places, this weekend is when LGBTQ Pride celebrations occur.  June is Pride Month, and a few weeks ago I said here that Nobody should have to hide from anyone.  Of course it isn't hiding when you have to stay inside because of a terrible pandemic.  Today is the 50th anniversary of many of the Pride events, and even though so many are shifting to a virtual event, there is still reason to celebrate!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Future

If I could predict the future, I would be so rich!  When will the pandemic end?  When will our economy improve?  When will racism and hatred end?  When will we be more kind?  Some questions are more difficult than others to answer.  Of course there are some things about our future that we very easily CAN change.  We can be more kind, for example.  We each have that power.

Friday, June 26, 2020

A new kind of kind

These days most of us have adapted to a new way of living, at least in part.  With that comes a number of news ways of being kind.  Wearing a mask might not be a of of fun, but it's not for us.  We do it because we care about others.  The same thing is true with physical distancing.  I'd love to run up to some of my friends and give them a big hug, but not now.  Unless they live with you in the same household, stay at least six feet away.  The kind thing is the safe thing.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

good in every day

Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day.  Say it again.  Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day.  Remember that.  Don't let things get you down.  Be kind to yourself!  Now, one more time - Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Ring the phones

As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing kinder than reaching out and saying hello to another person.  In this midst of this pandemic as we physically distance, it is probably more important.  Folks who are all alone at home with nobody to talk to will certainly welcome a card or an email, but let's ring the phones too.  There is nothing better than hearing the voice of someone who cares.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Summertime is just beginning.  It is my hope that we will become a kinder more caring people and that we can truly enjoy this summer.  Let's do our best to make that happen.

Monday, June 22, 2020

In thanksgiving

A priest I know, issued a "prayer challenge" for the week during yesterday's livestreamed mass. He said as we pray this week, give only thanksgiving. What a marvelous idea!  I wonder how many can do this. There really is so much to give thanks for, even if it doesn't seem like it!

Sunday, June 21, 2020


Michael Jordan said "My father used to say that it's never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, 'You never know what you can accomplish until you try.'"  What advice did you get from your dad?  Thinking kindly today of all the fathers and fatherly figures.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Are you a kind person

Are you a kind person?  A little self-examination can be a good thing, so take a good hard look at yourself.  Are you nice to people?  Does it just happen or do you have to really work at it?  I know that it is harder for some folks to be kind, but it is possible for ALL of us.  Sometimes it might take a bit more effort, but every single one of us can be kind.  Let's do it!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Juneteenth work

Today should be a legal holiday all across our nation. The liberation Juneteenth commemorates is cause for celebration by every single one of us. Sadly though it also reminds us how equality can be delayed. The quotation "all men are created equal," part of the US Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson penned in 1776 back in 1776, doesn't have an asterisk. It doesn't say all except for the Blacks.  There is still so much work to be done, but suddenly many people are waking up.  We can and we must change.  Hate is not an option.  Black Lives Matter!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Up on Crumhorn Mountain

I was thinking this morning of a Boy Scout Camp nearly a century old, on Crumhorn Mountain in Upstate New York.  As a scout, I spent a lot of time there.  I learned about nature and about kindness and about how to get along with others.  The scouts back then did a lot of good things, but they excluded a lot of kids too.  I think they have improved.  I think they have finally learned more about kindness.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Be there for them

I keep hearing reach out. Share your problems. Talk about it. Reveal it. Ask for help. Yup.   All of that is good of course, but if we truly care, it is up to us to reach out to others. Do you know someone who is all alone and possibly feeling lonely or depressed?  Don't wait for their cry for help. Be there for them!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

From the mouth of Groucho

The one and only Groucho Marx said (and did) a lot of humorous things, but he also spoke the truth and often said some very profound things, like this: "Learn from the mistakes of others, or you may not be in the job long enough to make them all yourself."

Monday, June 15, 2020

Go beyond reason to love

Writer and author Thaddeus Golas said "Go beyond reason to love - it is safe. It is the only safety. Love all you can, and when you are ready all will be shown to you."

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Make Me Smile

Remember that wonderful song Make Me Smile, written by James Pankow for Chicago guitarist Terry Kath on lead vocals?  Oh my!  That always makes me smile!  What I was thinking of this morning though is an exercise that we all could do, where we consciously tried to bring a smile to people.  Let's be quite intentional in spreading the happiness and the smiles!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

This Weekend

So what are you doing this weekend?  Any big plans?  How about if you spend some time bringing joy to someone else - or maybe several someones/  It really isn't that difficult.  Be kind and thoughtful and this weekend make someone feel special.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Changes due to COVID

The entire world has gone through major changes as a result of COVID-19.  So many lives have been lost.  So many people have lost jobs and property.  Has anything good come out of this?  Well for one thing, I think we all have become more aware of hygiene.  Many of us have become more caring of others too.  What other positive changes have occurred?  Share your thoughts.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Some random acts of kindness

Here are some random acts of kindness.  Call an acquaintance just to say hello.  Donate to a charity, especially during this pandemic, one that deals with health care.  Send a note to someone you seldom see.  Say nice things randomly to facebook and twitter friends.  Be good to yourself!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How are things in your world

Good morning!  How are things in your world?  Are you some place where things are slowly getting back to normal, or are you still sheltering in place?  Remember that even if you are not seeing folks in person, you can still reach out to them.  Write a bunch of emails today or even pop a good old card in the mail.  Phone calls can be heart-warming too.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Butcha gotta have friends

How many friends do you have?  Is there someone you consider your best friend?  Today, just in case you didn't know it, is National Best Friends Day!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Kindness even more

These days there is a lot to adjust to and it looks like there will be even more.  It is times like these when we need kindness even more!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

what does it mean

kindness NOUN the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

Friday, June 5, 2020


In case you didn't already know, June is LGBTQ Pride Month.  There is still so much discrimination against those who identify as lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer or questioning and we ALL must do our part to make equality a reality.  Nobody should have to live in a closet.  Nobody should have to hide from anyone.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Random acts in June

Here are some random acts of kindness to begin this month of June.  Sponsor people in fundraising walk-a-thons.  Make random kind comments on social media.  Leave a treat or an inspiring note (or both) for your FedEx driver, UPS driver, or mail carrier.  Reach out with phone calls to those who are alone.  Be creative - there are many more ideas!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


In full support of BlackOutTuesday yesterday, I was silent across all platforms, including the two blogs I write.  Some argue that we should never be silent and that the big problem with all the hate is our silence.  Certainly silence is a factor.  We cannot yell and scream at each other either.  Sometimes it is good to just take a step back and listen. Yesterday was just the beginning.  There is a LOT of work to do.  Along the way, I will continue to promote kindness because it is very hard to hate someone when you are being kind to each other.

Monday, June 1, 2020

A Brand New Month

Hello June!  Here we have a brand new month.  March, April, and May have not been all that wonderful this year.  May June break the pattern and be fantastic!