Saturday, November 30, 2019

Kind boss

I love waking up to news on tv or in the paper, about kind acts.  A 69-year-old Vietnam veteran is retiring early thanks to the generosity of his boss of over 13 years, according to a report I just read.  Good news indeed!

Friday, November 29, 2019


One of the kindest things we can do is share our food.  Yes, I began with those very same words here on Wednesday, but it is always true.  Do you have some Thanksgiving leftovers?  Make up a little package and share it with the first homeless person you see today.  Going to work?  Bringing food to the workplace is good too.  So many ways to share and keep the spirit of thankfulness going strong!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Be thankful and be kind

Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes with gravy, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, green bean casserole, squash, and pumpkin pie - that's what many folks are eating today, but it's not about the food.  Hand in hand with giving thanks, is being kind.  Enjoy your dinner.  Spend time with family and friends.  Be thankful and be kind.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


One of the kindest things we can do is share our food.  Tomorrow many of us will be sitting down to huge feasts.  Sadly, there are so many who cannot.  What a great time to share your time, your talents, and your assets.  Donate some canned goods.  Help serve a meal at a shelter.  Invite someone you know to join your household for the holiday.  Share.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Receiving is wonderful

Every day I try to be a kind person and every day I write about it here, but as wonderful as it is to be kind to others, it is also very wonderful to receive their kindness.  Yesterday two women, at different times, were exceptionally kind to me, and it truly made my day!

Monday, November 25, 2019


Whether this is your first time here or if you read this every day, I'd love some feedback.  Why do you read this blog?  What does kindness mean to you?  What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

True love

"It is a popular trend nowadays to say love is very much conditional. I've heard people compare it to a glass of water that eventually runs out when love isn't reciprocated. This encouragement of selfishness must stop," says my friend Jonah Kim. "True love is an infinite well and is absolutely unconditional," he continues. Jonah concludes "True love feels almost helpless in its endless giving, without asking for anything in return. And if the ones you love love you back, there is nothing more beautiful, precisely because we love without premeditated expectations."

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Volunteering Our Kindness

Every week I volunteer for a number of organizations, with one of them being a local hospital.  Let me tell you about the great kindness I see there all the time.  I suppose this may be one of those places where it is more important (although I happen to think kindness is important everywhere), but it really warms my heart to see some of the wonderful volunteers and staff people doing extra little things to improve comfort of patients and visitors.  I highly recommend volunteering to everyone!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Make someone happy

I woke up on this Friday morning and the first thing I thought of was to make someone happy! (Yes that is indeed an old Jimmy Durante song. June Christy, Doris Day, Perry Como, Barbra Streisand, Aretha Franklin, Sergio Franchi, Dinah Washington, and Judy Garland also recorded it, along with a number of others. That isn't the point I am making though). Making someone happy shouldn't be too difficult. Will you join me?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

It doesn't have to be big

It need not cost you money and it doesn't have to be big, in fact some of the kindest things we can do are simply being there for someone else and showing that you care.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Who's ugly?

The world might judge people by the color of their hair, the way they dress, or even how cute their smile is, but the important beauty is found inside.  Some of the most incredibly beautiful people in the world, are folks that others may call ugly.  I like to look beyond that first image and see how someone lives their life - are they nice?  are they kind?  do they care about others?  THAT is where the true beauty is!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

beautiful Tuesday morning

Is it a beautiful Tuesday where you are?  It can be!  Always remember that beauty isn't the same for everyone.  Some of us miss it because we spend so much time looking for something specific.  There are so many beautiful things that we simply miss, but is we see with our hearts and our minds, as well as our eyes, we'll find beauty everywhere.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Awareness of those around you

Do you think you're a kind person?  What is your level of awareness concerning those around you?  Do you see the smiles or the frowns?  When someone has tears in their eyes, do you know why?  Could it be that you are so incredibly mean that crying is their natural reaction, or are they shedding tears of joy because they think you are wonderful.  Which would you prefer?  Let's all try to be sensitive of those we come in contact with and perhaps we will become more kind.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pumpkin spice and everything nice

Don't you just love this time of year?  For a few weeks now that good old pumpkin spice has been showing up in so many things and all kinds of nice fall colors and flavors.  If you live in one of the areas where the leaves change colors this time of year, that's very nice too.  Happy surroundings breed kindness I think.  People seem to show more kindness in the fall and then during the holiday season.  Of course if I could cast a spell, I'd do an extra dose of kindness all year long!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

I can always use help

While I may talk about kindness all the time, I know I make my share of mistakes.  I desire to be nice and pleasant and show kindness to everyone, but if I fall short, please forgive me.  I can always use help.  I think the more kindness I am surrounded with, the easier it will be for me.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Weekends were made for

Here we are all ready for another weekend!  Most people when asked will say either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday as their favorite day of the week.  Least favorite is usually Monday.  Can't we make them ALL wonderful?  Of course we can!  Weekends were made for kindness, just like all the other days.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


I don't know how many of you have heard of Arnel Pineda, but I'm sure someday everyone will know of him.  I'm listening to some of his music right now!  Such talent!  From all accounts he is also a very kind person too, and that's what caught my attention.  Someday I would love to meet him!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

That breakfast surprise

Two friends that I seldom see, asked if I might want to meet them for coffee yesterday morning.  Wonderful!  I love chatting with friends over a nice hot cup of joe.  We all arrived at just about the same time, and planning on just getting a tall dark roast drip coffee, I waited behind them as they ordered.  One said "Have you ever had the breakfast bagels here?  The sausage ones are especially good."  Good idea!  "I think I'll get one with my coffee," I replied.  They stepped away from the cash register and I stepped up, ordering my drink and food.  "Oh they already ordered (and paid) for you," the cashier said.  Nice conversation followed, as I had anticipated, but they having paid for me was a kind a lovely surprise.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ideas for showing kindness

There are so many ways to show kindness toward others. Here are a few. Offer to return a shopping cart to the store for someone loading a car. Call an estranged family member. Clean graffiti from neighborhood walls and buildings. Buy a stranger a free pizza. Mow a neighbor’s grass or sweep a neighbor’s walk. Smile and acknowledge everyone you encounter. Give a bag of groceries to a homeless person. Treat someone to fresh fruit. Sing at a nursing home. Open the door for another person.

Monday, November 11, 2019

thanks to the veterans

Today is Veterans Day, honoring the men and women who served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.  Be especially kind to them and show them your appreciation for their service.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Be kind to yourself

Many people feel that self-care is something that only happens if and when we have time. Oh no! We should all be kind to ourselves too and to treat ourselves with the respect we deserve by making our well-being a priority. Be kind to others for sure, but be kind to ourselves too!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Too much time on social media?

"The one who loves a good rumor hates a peaceful life."  This was on my fortune cookie last night.  Was it telling me that I need to spend less time on social media?

Friday, November 8, 2019


Nothing.  There was absolutely nothing here yesterday.  How many of you even noticed?  Yes, I actually clicked a few buttons so there would be an entry, but I left it blank.  Now, picture for a moment a day not without words, but without kindness - ANY kindness.  Pretty grim, huh?  Let's see that it doesn't happen.  Let's see that there is never a day with nothing.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

November 6th

Just in case you forgot, November 6th is just as good a day to spread kindness as any other.  So, let's do it!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Sister birthday

Happy birthday to my sister who is always very kind.  In fact, she is a role model for me and for others.  (I should write a book about her some day).

Monday, November 4, 2019

nice and kind

Is being nice the same as being kind?  Well, no.  They certainly are closely connected though.  Niceness is being polite.  Kindness goes beyond that.  Kindness is an action.  Holding the door open for someone or giving flowers to a person or offering to pick up something at the store for a neighbor, are acts of kindness.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Happy birthday Colin!

Civil rights activist and former football quarterback Colin Kaepernick says "My parents told me from the time I can remember that, 'Yeah, you're adopted. But this is your family.' I can remember my mom, she tells me this story: when I was little, I was looking at her, and I was like, 'Why isn't my skin the same color as yours?' 'Oh, you're adopted, but I wish I had pretty brown skin like you,' said Mom."  Happy birthday to a true American hero, and thanks too Colin for sharing that story!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Make Kindness Contagious

After the tragic death of six-year-old Natasha Jaievsky in a car accident, her father Edward Jaievsky discovered her writings and drawings about a wish for a world filled with kindness, and he decided to honor her memory by hanging up signs reading Make Kindness Contagious all over Anaheim, California. What a great idea, huh?  What ideas do YOU have to spread kindness?

Friday, November 1, 2019

Your presence

Reaching out to people who are grieving doesn't happen as often as you might thing. Don’t pretend nothing happened. If you don’t know what to do, simply be there. Your presence will mean a lot.