Friday, May 31, 2019


Today is National Smile Day.  Of course we never need an extra reason to smile.  Our smiles light up the world every single day.  Keep smiling my friends.  Be happy.  Show kindness.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Good Banker

Last night I discovered fraud on one of my credit cards and so had to call the bank.  Not fun, right?  The banker I spoke with was quick, efficient, and very friendly.  He had everything taken care of in minutes and is rushing a new card to me.  I asked to be transferred to a supervisor so I could report this incredible employee.  A phone call I was dreading, actually left me smiling.  I'm always happy to encounter workers like this one!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

it's coming

Growing up, this was one of my favorite times of the year.  School was nearly finished for the year.  Summer was just days away.  The weather was getting nicer.  Oh my!  What not to like, huh?  These days I prefer to not think of what's coming but instead, what is already here.  I prefer to try to make each day great and each day full of kindness!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

One of my favorite times of the year

The end of May is one of my favorite times of the year.  It's not too hot yet.  People are having picnics and fishing and holding ice-cream socials.  There is a holiday, but even without that, this always seems like a gateway to the fun summer months.  Let's celebrate by being extra kind!

Monday, May 27, 2019


It is not only kind, but right and just to remember and honor all those people who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.  On this Memorial Day, the picnics and the store sales are fine, but first take some time for the purpose for which this holiday was created.  Remember them.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Any ideas?

I know I have asked this dozens of times, but since I don't have all the answers, I turn to you.  Do you have any ideas on how we can make this a kinder world?  I'd really love to hear your thoughts.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

A Simple Gesture

Being kind does not require a lot of money or a lot of planning or any big elaborate action.  A very simple gesture, like giving someone fresh flowers you picked from your garden, can be one of the kindest and nicest things a person can do!

Friday, May 24, 2019


For many people, kindness is automatic.  Unfortunately though there are some who have never done anything we would think of as kind.  That can change though.  It's really quite easy.  The more good you do, the easier it is, and before you know it, it can become automatic for you too.  Think about how wonderful you can make someone feel.  Think about the smile they'll give you!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Trip

Kindness comes in many forms, but all kind acts make love so much more joyful. Once, a couple I know who were aware I really wanted to attend an event, made sure I was indeed there. They sent me on a trip, paying for my flight and my hotel, and wouldn't take no for an answer. There kindness and that trip will always be happy memories for me and are just one more encouragement that we should all show kindness, whenever we can.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Kindness all around

Yesterday I ran into so many kind people doing kind things.  Oh my!  It really was amazing and it is so very encouraging when you see folks being so nice and caring toward others. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Merry Merry Month of May

Remember this old ditty?
While strolling through the park one day
In the merry merry month of May
I was taken by surprise
By a pair of roguish eyes
I was scared but I didn't run away 

So what do YOU do in this merry merry month of May?

Monday, May 20, 2019

Dreaming it

I have often said this, but it is so true!  If you can dream it, you can achieve it.   Never give up. Oh and when you accomplish your own dreams, reach out and help some other folks do the same thing.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

What have you to say

You may have guessed that I think kindness is important and I like writing this every morning and encouraging all of you.  I would also really love your feedback.  Am I missing something?  Are there ideas that should be shared?  Has this blog benefitted you?  Say something!  Use the comment section to let me know your thoughts.  Thanks.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Happy Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone!  I hope you had a great week!  Now let's do it all again and have another incredible with the week that begins tomorrow.  Keep being kind.  Never stop!

Friday, May 17, 2019

cherry cobbler

This is National Cherry Cobbler Day. It really is. How come we have so many delicious food days? Oh my! Anyway, a very kind thing is always sharing some of those yummies. I would always love a bit of cherry cobbler.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Traffic kindness

Every time I hear about road rage, I shrug my shoulders and ask why?  This seems to be a me first situation when it could just as easily be a courtesy and kindness matter.  I love hear stories of how drivers yield to others and how they let folks pass them or merge into traffic.  See someone driving crazy?  Call it in!  You just might be saving a life.  Weaving, drifting, swerving, straddling the center line, driving too slowly, and other erratic driving doesn't necessarily mean that driver is drunk.  They may be over-tired and not realize it.  They might also me having a medical emergency.  Care.  Kindness on the road is just as important as anywhere.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Happy birthday

It may seem odd that I would say happy birthday this morning (unless of course it is yours), but I do have an unusually high number of friends celebrating this week, especially today.  Of course saying happy birthday is the kind thing to do, even if you are not close.  People like being remembered and what easier way is there?  Don't forget birthdays!  Social media is very helpful at keeping track.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Here comes summer

Just about everyone loves summer, right?  It's actually still more than a month away, but where I live, things have been warming up, and it seems like summer.  I don't have any direct evidence, but I have been told that people tend to be kinder during the summer months.  What do you think?  I always hope to see kindness extended all year.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Einstein said

We all know about Albert Einstein's brilliant mind.  One example are these encouraging words from him:  “In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity.”

Sunday, May 12, 2019


With all that they do for us, how can we not be kind to our mothers?  It shouldn't be confined to just this one day though.  Let's always be kind to our mothers!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Happy May 11th

Happy May 11th?  Indeed.  Every single day should be happy.  That might not seem realistic, but if we do our best to make things happy for others, we will find a lot of happiness for ourselves as well!

Friday, May 10, 2019

100 Kind

In three months, a neighbor of mine will turn 100.  I think I know her secret too.  She is always smiling, happy, and kind to those around her.  Will kindness help you live to be 100?  I have no absolute proof, but it sure won't hurt!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Is it in your blood

Is it in your blood to donate blood?  Let me tell you, this is one of the most wonderful things a person can do.  I coordinate several blood drives every year and I am always encouraged by the love and generosity people show.  Forty-five minutes out of your day to give the most precious gift:  your blood.  Oh my!  What a kind thing to do!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Coconut Cream Pie

Today is National Coconut Cream Pie Day!  Yum.  (That's one of those days I could enjoy EVERY day).  A very kind thing would be to share some delicious coconut cream pie.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Monday, May 6, 2019

be kind to a nurse

Today is National Nurses Day, which kicks off National Nurses Week, ending on May 12, the birthday of the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale.  Thank a nurse today!  They do such important work!  They really should be recognized every single day, not just during a special week.  So be kind to a nurse today, and do your best to keep on recognizing them!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

How To

There are how-to books for just about everything, including ones to help become a better person.  How many of us want to be better?  I would hope that anyone would want to improve.  I know I want to see more kindness in the world and the best place to begin is with me, so I want to improve myself.  I'm not actually using a how-to book.  I'm using a daily morning exercise - writing this blog, to help me do better.  It seems to be working too!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Happiness and joy

Hello!  Happiness and joy to all of you!  May this be a wonderful Saturday for you and may kindness surround you both now, and always!

Friday, May 3, 2019

question from a philosopher

Here's a question for you this morning from the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau:  "What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?"  You're welcome to mull that around today, but I'm sure you will find there is none.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

What is there to say?

A blog about kindness?  Yup.  That is what this is.  What is there to say?  Well, apparently a lot since we have been doing this for a couple of years.  What are we missing though?  Add some of YOUR thoughts in the comments section below.  Of and kindly tell your friends too!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Hello May!

Welcome to May, the fifth month of the year.  Let us show kindness all month long and make May a happy and joyful time for everyone!