Wednesday, July 31, 2019

End of month question

On this last day of July, I have a special end of month question What is the kindest thing you did this month?  Oh one more What was the kindest thing someone else did for you?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Day of Friendship

Today is International Day of Friendship and what better way to be a friend than to show kindness to everyone.  Spread the kindness.  Spread the friendship.

Monday, July 29, 2019

No matter the obstacles

Yesterday and the day before, it got up to 105° where I live.  Today might be even higher.  There is also a huge amount of grasshoppers that just showed up here.  We are already starting out warm and the day is just beginning.  Sometimes you just don't even want to go outside, and yet, that is how we interact with others.  That is how we shine.  No matter the weather and no matter the obstacles, we must keep on sharing that kindness!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Oh and speaking of kindness

What can you say of being kind?  A lot!  Just look back at the daily thoughts I have posted here.  Oh and speaking of kindness, what say YOU?  Are you a kind person?  Would you like to share some thoughts about kindness with us?  Please feel free - any of you, to comment below!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

doing kind things

More ideas of showing kindness: Clean graffiti from neighborhood walls and buildings. Buy a stranger a free pizza. Mow a neighbor’s grass or sweep a neighbor’s walk. Offer to return a shopping cart to the store for someone loading a car. Call an estranged family member. Give a bag of groceries to a homeless person. Treat someone to fresh fruit. Sing at a nursing home. Open the door for another person. The list can go on and on!

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ending hate

Waking up day after day so the horrible news of more hate crimes is terribly distressing.  When will it end?  I don't even understand hate.  It makes no sense to me.  Oh and harming someone because of your dislike for them makes even less sense.  Yes, if there was more kindness the world would be a better place, but we really need to end the hate.  Everyone needs to stand up and so NO MORE!  We will not tolerate this!  Ever!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

let's go to lunch

"Let's go to lunch," said my friend Danny. Of course I'd have to fight him for the check afterward. Oh and it wasn't just food. When I spent time with Danny, there was great conversation, about his calendar models and all number of things. Of course there was his great ever-present smile too. That alone would make my day! I remember the Ovaltine too. When I think of kind people I know, Danny always comes to mind immediately.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Spreading kindness

How can you show kindness toward other people? Here are some more suggestions: Leave an extra-large tip for the waitperson. Donate blood. Give coffee to people on their way to work in the morning. Give another driver your parking spot. Give flowers to be delivered with meal delivery programs. Give your full attention to someone in need and simply listen. Stop by a nursing home, and visit a resident with no family nearby. Have a clean-up party in the park. The ideas never end.  Keep spreading kindness!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Universal Kindness Day

July 22nd - Universal Kindness Day!  Actually I just made that up, but I will certainly keep trying.  After all, I think every single day should be Universal Kindness Day, don't you?

Monday, July 22, 2019

Still more ideas

Here are still more random acts of kindness.  Tell your parents or your children why you love them.  Make a point of finding the name of a supermarket or drugstore employee and then praise him or her through that company’s corporate office.  As you go about your day, pick up trash.  When drivers try to merge into your lane, let them in with a wave and a smile.  Yesterday I mentioned that some kind acts cost money, but each of these things here don't cost us a penny!  Are there more?  You bet!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

And the list continues

More kind things we can do: Stop by a nursing home, and visit a resident with no family nearby. Draw names at work or school and have people bring a small gift or treat for their secret pal. Say something nice to everyone you meet today. Volunteer at an organization that needs help. Go through your closets and find several nice items and then donate them to a shelter. And the list continues - it really has no end because kindness has no end! Please know that you are always welcome to add to this list and to share with us your thoughts about kindness in the comments section below.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Yup, there's more

For the past few days I have been listing random acts of kindness, and here are still more: Tell your boss that you think s/he does a good job. Have a clean-up party in the park. Give blood. Pay for the meal of the person behind you in the drive-through. Call or visit a homebound person. Pay a compliment at least once a day. Transport someone who can’t drive. Make telephone calls in support of equality urging others to put aside hate. There are so many more ideas!

Friday, July 19, 2019

Even more ideas

The list we began here keeps growing.  Here's some more ideas:  Deliver fresh-baked cookies to city workers.  Buy cold drinks for the people next to you at a ball game.  Spend some time serving food at a meal program for the needy.  Give a pair of tickets to a concert or baseball game to a stranger.  Send a gift anonymously to a friend.  Pay for the person behind you in the movie line.  Yes, some of the suggestions I have made require money, but that's part of what makes them so kind.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

More ideas

Yesterday I suggested some random acts of kindness we might all think about doing, and there are so many more!  We could invite an acquaintance to dinner, sponsor people in fundraising walk-a-thons, volunteer to be a tutor in a school, remember the bereaved with phone calls, cards, plants, and food, and volunteer to read to kids in the library.  We'd love to hear your ideas too!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A few ideas

So speaking of kindness, what are a few things we can each do to get the ball rolling, if we are not already kind people? Well there area lot of random acts, and for the next few days, I'll try to think of a few. On your way to do the shopping, you could give another driver your parking spot. How about just a nice cheery greeting to each person you encounter during your day? Those are both pretty easy. Donate time at a senior center. The gift of time is so appreciated! Maybe you have some ideas. Please share them in the comments section below!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sizzling kindness

When it's really hot outside, it can be easier to get frustrated and even lose your temper, but a kind smile can help.  On those sizzling days of summer, it's more important than ever to be kind to each other.  Pop a few bottles of water in the freezer, and take them with you as you go about your day.  Most folks will be delighted it you give them one of these bottles, with the water still nice and cold!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Monday Monday

So many people dislike Mondays because it is often the return to work after two days off (or for some, the return to school classes), but why should that be a bad thing?  If we work at something we enjoy, every single day can be positive.  Be kind to the calendar and be kind to yourself, and of course be kind to others.  Monday can be just as wonderful as any day!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

all things can be mended

After some tough days, I was trying to think of something encouraging and most of my words seemed a bit short.  Then I was reminded of some marvelous words from L.R. Knost,  She gets right to it saying "Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world.  All things break.  And all things ... can be mended.  Not with time, as they say, but with intention.  So go.  Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally."

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Saturday Service

Off from work today?  Have you ever volunteered to help cleanup around the highway or the shores of a lake or ocean?  Working in a community garden is a great way to give back also.  Oh and you can help clean graffiti from neighborhood walls and buildings. Tons of things can be done to make a difference.  It's kind to help out and it makes you feel good.  What about mowing a neighbor’s grass or sweeping a neighbor’s walk?  The list of ideas can go on and on! 

Friday, July 12, 2019

This glorious summer

Flowers, birds, blue skies, all kinds of wonderful - it is a glorious summer for me!  How kind of nature to give us such a gift.  We must repay by treasuring her beauty and not littering or otherwise abusing all this great earth gives us.  If he treat our world right, we can have glorious summers for many years to come!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Kindest day of the month

What is the kindest day of the month of July?  How about today?  We can make this happen.  Start spreading that kindness!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

losing happiness

Remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who said "For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."  Indeed.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

happy place

When I was younger, I remember having a "happy place," or perhaps I should say a "happy thought." If there was ever a scary moment, I could just direct my thinking to that happy place, and the fear would disappear. Kindness and love and only good things would be in my happy place. Often if was like Christmas but sometimes like a big wedding banquet or a Mother's Day buffet. I doubt if I'm the only one who created these happy places. For me it always worked to think positive and dwell on the good, instead of the bad or the scary.

Monday, July 8, 2019


There are people who thrive on being all alone, but that is not the way it is for most folks.  Have you ever felt lonely?  There are those who feel that way all the time.  A short visit can help.  Phone calls are good too.  We each have it in our power to help cut down on the loneliness out there.  Think about those family members you seldom see or the anonymous residence in assisted nursing facilities.  Even folks who are new to town and don't know many people yet, can have lonely moments.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

kindness and chocolate

What can possibly be sweeter than chocolate?  Perhaps kindness.  I happen to think they are both pretty sweet and since this is World Chocolate Day, let's have a double helping of both kindness and chocolate!  Sweet!

Saturday, July 6, 2019


After a medical incident this week, I haven't really felt much like going anywhere.  Yesterday, there was a knock at the door, and a dear friend was standing there with a gallon of milk and several bags of groceries with meat, bread, eggs, soup, and more - a gift from he and his wife because they "thought it would be helpful."  Indeed.  Of course I stood there crying for several minutes.  It's east to write about being kind, but for me it's a bit more difficult to welcome the kindness from others.  I am truly grateful though.  Such a very thoughtful thing to do!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Gorgeous days

Where I live there is so much natural beauty all around me.  Personally I think there is beauty wherever you may be - sometimes you just have to look in a different manner.  During this especially gorgeous days of summer, it's especially easy to show kindness.  The beauty of the earth just makes you want to give back more!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Give me your tired, your poor

The kind words of Emma Lazarus, which you will find at the Statue of Liberty, come to mind this morning.   "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


I saw an internet listing for children's books that tell about kindness.  How wonderful!  The earlier we know about being kind, the better.  It isn't a difficult thing - you might say it's childsplay.  Being kind is something we should never outgrow too.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Watch out for the heat

As the weather heats up, remember to stay hydrated and avoid excessive heat.  This is something most adults are aware of, but think of the safety of others, including our animals.  Be kind to your dog or cat.  Make sure they always have water available and don't confine them in hot areas, especially in a locked car.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Here we go again

Did you enjoy June?  Well here we go again folks - another month is upon us!  July used to be one of my favorites.  There is a big holiday and for most of the USA there is nice weather.  School used to be out too, but so many places have gone to year-round schedules that many are back in school just a few days from now.  Anyway, enjoy this month and as always, be kind!